‘Fuck The Filipino Family’ Out Now on all streaming platforms

Everyone please stand up and literally swear this bitch into office!
Fuck the Filipino Family is out now on Spotify, Apple Music, and other existing digital streaming platforms (as if platforms still matter nowadays, heh).
In an attempt to exorcise from their system the generational trauma and the toxicity of being Filipino children, The Pervs birthed Fuck the Filipino Family, a single they consider a stiff, unyielding middle finger to the generations, upbringing, and institutions perpetuating the systemic tolerance of rotten family values across the continuum of cultures in the country. Every second and note in this track was played with all the fervor of an everyday victim condemning all the corrupt families running the nation (into the ground). Fuck nepotism! Fuck political dynasties! And most of all, fuck the Filipino first family!
Recorded at Red Room Recordings Engineering, Mixing and Master by Miguel Lim
Released under PAWN Records
#fff #notmypresident #opm #punkrock #toxicfamilycultures #corruption
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